Recently we visited San Francisco for a weekend and also spent some time exploring the neighboring cities. We had a morning to hang out in Walnut Creek while waiting for our afternoon plans and thought, “why not do a food tour for breakfast?” Now, keep in mind, Walnut Creek is a pretty small suburb and there’s not a whole lot to do. It also isn’t exactly the foodie capital of California. Despite that, we had a lot of fun of our food tour. We hope you will have fun reading about our experience and get ideas on where to eat if your adventures ever take you to Walnut Creek. So here we go, our Walnut Creek food tour!
First stop- Brunch
First things first, we needed to get some brunch in us. We quickly learned that Walnut Creek is not exactly a brunch sort of place. We found ONE (read: one!) place that served brunch. I promise not being foodie snobs here, but LA has countless brunch places so we were a little surprised by this. Anyway, we put our names down and didn’t expect much.
Second stop- During the wait
You didn’t expect us to actually wait during the wait for our table, did you? We were hungry and saw an inviting looking cupcake place nearby. We thought, why not? It’s never too early for dessert and dessert before “real” food is always a good idea on vacation. We walked in Kara’s Cupcakes and were immediately overwhelmed by all our cupcake options. There were several we wanted, but we decided to save our appetites for brunch and just stick to mini cupcakes. {We like to think we can exercise self control! Sometimes anyway.} They also have these really cool sounding ice cream cupcakes, but they didn’t have any that day. Otherwise we would’ve gotten those and forgotten all about self-control!
So, how were the cupcakes? Good! Not the best we’ve ever had, but solid! Good frosting, yummy cake, and filled with delicious cream! Definitely whetted our appetite and got us excited and ready for brunch!
Third stop- Finally time for brunch!
Now we were starving! Those cupcakes made us more hungry! {Does that happen to you? You eat a little something sweet and now you’re ravenous?!} We were READY for brunch at Main Street Kitchen. We couldn’t decide between lunch and breakfast, so we decided to do both! In true style of this out-of-order day, we decided to do a lunch appetizer and breakfast entree.
We started off with these delicious squash and corn raviolis. They were so delicious that we seriously regretted sharing. They were so light, so fresh, and so flavorful! Our meal was off to a great start!
Next up, we shared two breakfast entrees: Old fashioned hash and a tomato, basil, and feta omelet. The breakfast hash was seriously #yolkporn. Three other tables ordered it after seeing ours. It was definitely as good as it looked and extremely hearty. The omelet was not the best we’ve ever had {hey, we are spoiled by food in LA}, but definitely really good. It was extremely light and fresh. We love when simple dishes are made with the best of ingredients. You can taste every flavor as nature intended.
We were STUFFED at this point and a bit unsure how we were going to continue the food tour. Never fear, we did continue! We are not quitters! We had some tea to help us digest a bit before continuing on. By the way, have you noticed how cute the dishes are at Main Street Kitchen? Lena was obsessed!
Fourth stop- DESSERT! {Yes, again!}
Do you crave sweets after every meal? We do and we like to indulge when on a trip! Even though we really full, we had heard a lot about Cream and just couldn’t pass up the opportunity to try it.
Cream is the mother of ice cream sandwiches. You can customize in a million different ways. There are a few steps. First, pick the “bread”. The choices range from all kinds of cookies to brownies to doughnuts and waffles. Next, you pick the “filling” which is all kinds of ice cream. Finally, is the fun part! You pick the toppings! Anything from marshmallows to oreos to sprinkles. Look at our end results!
How amazing does that look? If you ask us, it looks BOMB and it tasted EVEN BETTER. Worth every single calorie. If you do go, we highly recommend the carnival (m&m) and sprinkle cookies. SO GOOD!
In case you’re wondering, yes we eat a lot, but we didn’t have 3 sandwiches. Lena’s sister came along for the food tour ride.
That brings us to end of our food tour! It was a huge and delicious success! Can’t wait for the next one!
Wow, I’ve never heard of Walnut Creek, but next time I’m in the Bay Area I’ll definitely have to check it out! Looks Like your brunch was AMAZING! And j love the fact that you had 2 dessert stops. Totally something I would do. (Full disclosure: I do double desserts all the time! Hahaha)
It’s such a small town, but we found great food! Haha so happy to find someone else who also does double desserts! Thanks so much for your comment and hope to see you around the site!