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Recently I saw a post from a huge travel site with the top travel photos to STOP taking. This post really rubbed me the wrong way and I posted on our HEA Facebook page to see how others felt. I have a really big problem with telling people what type of shots not to take as photography, like with any creative pursuit, is a personal endeavor. There is no and should not be, any right or wrong. Whatever moves you to photograph, whatever you feel looks nice, pretty, inspiring, whatever, is your prerogative to feel. Yes, some shots are taken more than others. Does that mean we have to stop taking them? I say no, I say that just means that type of photo resonates with more people and what’s wrong with that?
The moment we stop ourselves from shooting the types of photos we want, saying what we want to say, or doing what we want to do, even if it’s for fear of being cliche, that’s the moment we lose our authenticity.
Here’s a definition of “authentic” from Merriam-Webster: true to one’s own personality, spirit, or character.
If a cliche type of photo is true to your personality then NOT taking that photo is being inauthentic. Yes, there are some people who just take those types of shots because they are popular. In that case, they are just copying others and their lack of creativity will eventually show. I’m not talking about those people. I’m talking about the ones who genuinely show their happiness through a jumping shot or who take great joy in finding a pretty background to photograph their ice cream cone.
The same can be said for “trying” to be different. If you’re forcing it and doing something different just for the sake of being different, that’s not authentic either.
Do you. Whatever you is. That is authenticity.
For me, I absolutely love running and twirling shots, as I’m sure you can tell from our Instagram. Any time I see a pretty path or a beautiful location, my first inclination is to go running through it. That to me perfectly captures how I am feeling at that moment and the enthusiasm I have towards running to explore the particular location. I am just overcome with so much emotion and excitement at some locations, that all I can do is run through it to get that initial burst of passion out! Twirling is similar to me. When I’m happy I dance + twirl. I may have been a whirling dervish in a past life, who knows. I am often really happy when traveling. Therefore, I have tons of twirling photos.
I realize that running, walking away from the camera, and twirling shots are majorly overdone on Instagram. But you know what, I don’t care. That type of shot moves me, it excites me, and I love the feeling of flying or dancing through a pretty location. {Which is hilarious considering that I hate running.} For as long as I continue to feel this way, I will continue to post running and twirling shots. Cliche or not. Because for me, that is being authentic.
Alicia from The Calkins' Escapades says
Love this post! And I totally agree. Photos with a touch of personality are what makes them one’s own! TBH, I love cliché photos haha
happilyeveradventures says
Thank you for sharing your thoughts, Alicia! I agree, I tend to love cliche photos when I can tell it’s being done with a touch of the person’s personality! I’m glad I’m not the only one!