Have you ever thought to yourself, “I wish my partner would {xyz}”? I know I have. Several times. And I’ve felt slightly annoyed when I didn’t get those things that I was wishing for from my partner. Since it’s not fair to just wish and then be annoyed when it doesn’t happen or just give up on our partners all together, I’ve also told Bassam specifically what I wanted from him. They never happened.
Recently I saw a post from Marriage 365 that shared 5 things husbands should do for their wives yearly and I thought, “ah I wish Bassam would do these things”. When Marriage 365 shared 5 things wives should do for their wives yearly, I realized Bassam actually probably would like those things and I’ve never done most of them.
So I thought enough with the wishing! Let’s actually tell each other what our romance fantasies are and give the person a chance to make them happen! This is different than the previous times I’ve told Bassam what I’d like from him because it’s more specific, it’s written down {which means he hopefully won’t forget}, it’s time bound but there’s also a long time frame giving us each the flexibility to do it on our own terms, and let’s be honest, there’s a little bit of accountability because we are sharing it with you.
It’s amazing to me how different our 5 things are. Which makes sense because we have very different Love Languages. Bassam actually had a difficult time coming up with his 5 because he said he had never thought about what makes him feel loved. Mine were quick because they are things I’ve always hoped he’d do.
Enough with the intro, here are our 5 wishes. We’ll update you in a year and let you know how it went! We’d love to know if you try the same thing and how it goes for you!
Bassam’s 5 wishes:
1. Plan a day by yourself so I can hang out by myself and take that day off
2. Make at least 3 new soups during the winter
3. Clear my schedule for a weekend so I can go on a solo camping trip
4. Plan a date night and don’t tell me what we are doing
5. Scratch my back until I fall asleep
Lena’s 5 wishes:
1. Wake me up one morning, tell me you’re taking me on an adventure and tell me what to wear or what to pack, and then have a whole day of things planned. To make it even more amazing, plan the whole weekend!
2. Make me a romantic dinner. Choose foods you know I like, make it by yourself, and set the table in a cute way
3. Give me a sentimental gift. Something either you made or represents something significant to me or our relationship
4. Make me feel special on my birthday. Make that day a priority to you and make me the focus that day. Celebrate it well. It doesn’t need to be big things, but do things with me that you know I love. For extra extra extra bonus points, make the fun last a whole week or at least a weekend
5. I want to be swept off my feet. Like we are dating and you want to surprise me, “court me”, and impress me. I can’t think of how to objectively define that so I’ll say this: surprise me one night with a fun date night you’ve planned. Bonus points if you build up the anticipation with like little clues all week of what we are going to do. That helps me get so excited!
We’ll see how this goes! There is no pressure for either of us to actually do the things and we have a whole year to do them. This will help keep the “surprise” element for the other person, since it’s not fun to have to tell someone what you want from them and then feel like they are doing it because you told them. You want them to do it because they WANT to do it. Or am I the only crazy one, haha.
Would love to know if you’ve ever tried something like this or if you’ll try it now!
Mark aka Smoothie says
I love this post. I’m jotting down things to do with my pretty! She likes to feel special and I like to make her feel special! Cheers!
happilyeveradventures says
Aw love to heat that!